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Wednesday 11 March 2009

Journal #1 (Language art )

Journal # 1

"God is Love"
"It is an art that is performed on a four - count rhythm between ten o'clock"

Connecting to personal Life :

In "A river run through it"
It is mainly talking about 2 brother,
and talking about the relationship between each other ,
and this can b related to me because I got an older sister too,
In the book the brothers does not really have a good relationship
one likes to bet on themselves and one are just a story teller ,
but my sister and i , we use to be like that ,
we use to hate each other like hell , cause my sister thinks that my mom loves me more than her,
she was wrong wrong wrong ,
my mom loved both of us ,
but after we got really close as we grew up ,
we got really really close like a friend,
we shared everything , we have secret together ,
we tell everything , we helped each others when they needed ,
we care about each other,
we loved each other .
And it's pretty great to be that way ,
and we turned out to be like this right now ,
because we've grown , and because
my sister and i met a friend , and that friend
helped our relation so much better than before ,

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