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Tuesday 31 March 2009


It has been 2 days , life here is pretty cool ,
Living in a little town where there are not much people is pretty boring
but it helps me think a lot, about everything, family , school , relationships , friendship.

Living here makes me understand how important everything in taiwan is,
how important family are and how i actually missed school.

I'm not sure if im having home sick right now but i miss everything in taiwan,
I miss my friends are the streets friends in school ,
i miss my mom , my dad..
But most of all i miss my sister the most ,
shes the only one that i can really share stuff with ,
she one of the closest person to me and i've never really noticed that until these to days in france,
I can't imagine next year without her by my side, it'll only be me in the empty house ,
no one to go to the streets with me , no one to talk to , no one to cry and laugh with ..
It's gonna be so .. lonely..

well anyways ,
it've been a great time here and still looking forward to it,
and hoping to go home soon too xDD

I really miss taiwan =]

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