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Monday, 2 March 2009

The Science of Benjamin Button

Benjamin Button (TED talk):

In the Video of Benjamin Button's TED talk

it was talking about the processes of the effect for the movie
and talking about the steps of making those effect and how they
solve the problems and get started on filming the movie.

They started this film project for a long time ,
they've been thinking of how to film of movie for ages,
they use the technology of the phosphorous to get started for the project,
after they find lots of other people they can fit in to the age of Benjamin's Body ,
they head of the movie for the first hour was all animation,
they've used the phosphorus and put it on Bratt's face , and Bratt would try to
make all kind of faces , after making the faces other people would try to make other possible faces. After that they would have other people work on parts , for example there were one man
working on Bratt's Eyes, and one man working on Bratt's mouth and others working on
his skin to make it really look like he is old.

After they would put everything together ,
they've put the actors body and the animation of Bratt's face together
and film it in to a movie,

the Picture on the side is showing the lighting of Bratt in places.

And the workers that were working on the animation are being a scientist because they were having the scientific method , they were doing things step by step , they try it and fix it , try it and fix it until it was good enough.


There was so much problems that they were facing , for example the 1st problem that were facing was that they did not know
how to get started,
they didn't know what to do,
but after thinking and being a problem solver , they've found out solutions.

and that was THE few STEPS that they were talking about in TED TALKS for Benjamin Button

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