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Tuesday, 18 November 2008


Why does the greece wear so little, and why do they wear dress?

In Greek people think the human muscle are a kind of art.
People there look at the human muscle very detail,
they look at it like it's a very famous peace of art.

Because they think that the human muscle is a wonder
so they even make sculpture and painting out of it.
and Those human sculpture are so realistic that made them
look like human with out color.

People in Olympic at ancient Greece dont wear any cloth,
and the rich people would sit up there looking like a peace of art racing other peace of art.

The other thing that they don't wear cloth in Olympic because it's like swimming ,
it's hard to move when you wear a lot of stuff while your swimming ,
so the same thing in Olympic they think that it's easier with lesser things on their body.

And because Greek is really hot ,
so the guys where something like a skirt,
and another reason it's because a lot of the Greek people like
to move,
so they were ligter and loser stuff on them.

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